Thu, 05/09/2019
A walkthrough of the LMS we use at Al-Hoda International.
Session no. 1 (New comers only)
This session includes:
- Creating a new parent account
- Installing and logging on to the app
- Changing the email associated with your account
- Using the Schoology parent groups.
Intended audience: All newcomer parents from CP1 to G7
Duration 15 minutes
Session no. 2 (Grades 3 & 4 parents + Grade 5-7 newcomers)
This session includes:
- Using your parent’s account to access your child’s groups, courses and grades
- Understanding the gradebook.
- Adding a missing/new child to your account
Intended audience: All CP3 & CP4 parents and all newcomer parents from CP5 to Gr.7
Duration 30 minutes
Browse Events by Gradelevel: Y12 | Y11 | Y10 | Y9 | Y8 | Y7 | Y6 | Y5 | Y4 | Y3 | Y2 | Y1 | FS2 | FS1 | All Gradelevels
Calendar dates are subject to changes, however parents will be notified at a convenient time.